Monday, September 21, 2009

A Friendly Feast

Well, I must say that the biscuits turned out really well!  They are light, fluffy, beautiful, and the texture is perfect.  My only complaint, is that they seem a little bland (which was easily fixed with some butter and a little jelly!!!).  So that will go in my report.  However, I must say that the people at America's Test kitchen do an awesome job of building their recipes so that they work, and work consistently.  They truly have to have a thumbs up from me on that one. 

I thought that tonight I would share a picture of a meal we shared with some friends a short while back.  We had A-L and M over for a long talked about dinner and fellowship.  Both food and fellowship were smashing and the spread just deserved a picture.

At Six o'clock we have a lovely chickpea hummus with paprika and olive oil on top.  At Eight o'clock is a tasty Lima bean and onion salad.  At 11, we have some pita bread for the hummus, and at 1 we have a green salad mix topped off with raisins.  Some fresh garden tomatoes are located at 5 o'clock, and our tour de force resides in the middle of the picture!  This was an experiment for us, but we grilled with lovely pizza!  Yes, Grilled!!  And boy was it worth it.  Honestly, it didn't take that much work (other than burning the first bread, and having to try again) and it was quite tasty.  It is a sauceless pizza, with bread, Fontina cheese, some oregano, and arugala greens on top with a drizzling of olive oil.  Dear M found the recipe at (and you can too!) and it turned out pretty well!  We'll definitely give it another try soon.

Anyway, I thoght you'd enjoy seeing what we had that night, and find yourselves inspired to try soemthing new, and savor the feast with family and friends.

Slainte Mhath, or
To your good health,


Friday, September 11, 2009

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, testing....

Okay. So I had forgotten about this, but a couple of months ago I signed up to be a kitchen tester for Cooks Country/Cooks illustrated magazines. The only reason I remembered, is that yesterday I receive and e-mail with my first recipe!!! Whoo, I'm excited! It's a recipe for biscuits, big biscuits that people around here would call Cat-head biscuits. That's about all I can tell you for now, because I am not supposed to reveal much about the recipe. I'm going to give it a shot, maybe even tomorrow morning for breakfast, and of course I'll let you all know what I think, and when you might see it hit the stands in a copy of Cooks Country. Who knows, you might even see pictures, if they'll let me.

On another note... sorry you all haven't seen much activity. Things got a little hairy around here, and unfortunately the blog was neglected. However, it is my goal to post here at least once a week, if not twice to keep, so keep those foodie appetites going! I should be up and running again at full steam at this point.

Slainte Mhath!! (Slawn-tchuh vahth) or
To your very good health,